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Friday, December 12, 2008

♥ The Real Me

Hey there!
This is me, the real me..
You can judge me but think twice about what you judge..
I maybe not perfect and good for you
But despite of all this flaws and imperfections
I have more qualities that can prove that
being imperfect makes me perfect
I don't care if you'll think i'm crazy or even stupid
I'm not a girl who takes revenge physically or literally at someone
Yeah, `coz when I'll take revenge, I'll make it in an educated way..

Well, that's the real me..
Behind these innocent face lies a deep secret
You never know or you'll never know..

3:11 AM

Sunday, November 16, 2008

♥ Unforgettable Moments

Our teacher in GSP gave us a project in which we need to tell our unforgettable experiences in a minimum of 10. OMG! I really don't have something in my mind. I don't know what to do but as expected I remembered 3 unforgettable experiences.. Well, I want to share it with you.. Im just gonna show my works ^_^...

here it is:

3:59 PM

Thursday, November 13, 2008

♥ Regional Youth Conference (RYC)

Our Regional Youth Conference for YFC's was held last October 25-26, 2008. There were many YFC's who joined that current activity. It was a blast I tell you for it was a gathering of the youth. The venue was in PWC.

The conference was held to see the talents of youth today all for GOD. They didn't conduct that activity just to make us compete with each other but to let them know that we are talented because of Christ and without him our talents are useless..

Well, I joined the Cheerdance Competition and guess what? We won first place and we'll be the representatives from Davao City to compete with YFCs across the nation. It will be next year, in the month of April and it will be called ILC which will be held at Cebu City. But now, Im excited even though its so far away.

These post is now ending. I hope you understand my post because I'm not really good in making some post, I'm not that talented in this field. But please understand me ^_^. I only want to share. Dont judge me

11:40 PM

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

♥ Batch 35

Another youth camp was conducted last November 7-9, 2008 at Holy Cross College Of Calinan. It was another bunch of people who wants to change, to serve or maybe just to mingle with someone. This youth camp was a successful one, though there were many harrassments on our way, there was still a savior who devours all evil and punish them named Jesus Christ.

This was my 3rd time serving a youth camp and well, for me it was sooo tiresome. Can you imagine walking on stairs up and down just to get something and when we need to eat we would go down and up again after eating? We need to go down stairs again for us to take a bath, and sometimes in some circumstances, we forget to bring some things that we need? It was really tiresome and it was also the most joyful camp I've served maybe because I enjoyed being an assistant DGL and not a prayer warrior anymore. Also, the program that was made was the best. It was well-prepared even though time was limited and the program was not finished but it was a success. I was so happy seeing the participants being tricked (evil laugh), well when i was still a participant, my batchmates were also tricked.

The best part was when last came. It was so touching seeing some participants reconciled with their family through that camp, even though some parents weren't able to attend maybe because of a busy schedule. After that touching moment, all YFC's ate together and yeah that was a delicious meal after the sacrifices we've made. After eating we happily took pictures and yada yada yada. After that happy moment, all service team were tasked to clean and yeah its a tiresome task if you ask me but at least, it was all a success. After finishing the cleaning, we had an evaluation about the camp and we discussed about our strengths and weaknesses and after that we went home. Oh my strength were all drained but sad to say I had to make some assignments before sleeping T_T..

- Actually this was our first time to
use LCD's, projections and many more. Well, I
guess it was because, we need to make the sisters
happy so that we can enter other private christian
schools that are still hesitating to be entered
by YFC...
enter HO

3:19 AM

♥ theGrumpyToast ;

      Misz. Mae is very grumpy. Beware, this gurl bites.

      So this is when I finally learn the real meaning of change.
      You do things you used to be against, be with the people you never even consider and
      befriend the people you used to hate.
      You'll learn what it's like to have your heart
      b.r.o.k.e.n. ,
      to LOSE someone that touches your life and truly meant something to you,
      and to feel as if everything is really falling
      ...There`ll be times that your life seems so absolutely
      feels like it`s not real.
      Despite all this,
      good things will come too.
      You`ll make the most amazing friends that will be there for you
      even when they probably shouldn`t.
      Your broken heart will heal once you find the most perfect guy you`ve ever met,
      & just as nothing else can go wrong, things will only get better.
      There`ll be the days you`re so happy, & the days that you feel like dying.
      Drama happens,
      gossip goes around, &
      people talk crap.
      Maybe this is just One of life's shitty stuff,
      maybe it`s life,
      or maybe this is just what growing up is like.

      At some point, you have to make a decision.
      boundaries don't keep people out - they fence you in.
      life is messy.
      that's how we're made.
      so, you can waste your life drawing lines,
      you can live your life crossing them.
      there are some lines that are way too dangerous to cross.
      here's what I know.
      if you are willing to take the chance,
      the view from the other side is spectacular.

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    The toast said TAG. NOT spam.

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